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  • Parish Connections | St. Clements Ewell

    Parish Connections Bellow are local businesses that our parishioners are either part of or work for. Are you a local business and want to advertise on this page? Contact Gerry to find out more

  • Easter Masses | St. Clements Ewell

    Easter Mass Bookings Because of COVID restrictions only 75 people are allowed to attend each Mass. For this reason we ask you to book your places in advance. Regrettably those without an advance reservation cannot be guaranteed a place. MAX. number of seats bookable is 4. MASS TIMES ARE LISTED BELOW. PLEASE SELECT FROM THESE. Passion Sunday

  • Live Simply | St. Clements Ewell

    The Live Simply steering group is currently not meeting . The members of the steering group as as follows; ​​ Joe Cook John Farrell Robin Hannan Tim Worth Catherine Phillips Nigel Phillips Estelle Ryder ​ Read our archive of quarterly newsletters: Issue #5 Issue #3 Issue #4 Issue #2 Issue #1 Launch The parish launched Live Simply on the 22 May - our exciting news was featured in the Arundel and Brighton CAFOD Blog The livesimply award is an opportunity for Catholic communities – parishes, schools, religious orders and chaplaincies – to respond to Pope Francis’ invitation in Laudato Si’ to “work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted to us”. ​ What is the livesimply award? It is awarded to communities who can show how they have been living: • simply • in solidarity with people in poverty • sustainably with creation. ​ St Clements Parish Church became the third Parish in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton to receive the live simply award on the 6 April 2019. The parish started to work towards achieving the award in 2017. They were inspired by reflecting on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si. They contemplated how they could best respond to the Pope’s prophetic words. They decided that they wanted to do something practical and the Live Simply Steering Group was born. Working towards the award has brought the whole parish together. Both young and old have taken part and all of the Parish has been able to share in the achievement of receiving the award. The process has raised awareness of green issues and highlighted the benefit of living simply so that others can simply live. The Parish has planted a vegetable garden, established a walking club, implemented a recycling scheme and developed a tree planting scheme for newly baptized children. ​ ​ The parish continues to develop new ways of developing as a live simply parish. Jonathan would encourage other parishes to get involved . He explained that it has been a very rewarding faith, affirming process. ​ ​ Download original action plan along with full evidence index of how we got the award along with up to date details of all recent events. action plan chronology of events Tree Dedication Tree Dedication Scheme Live Simply dedicate a tree scheme: to mark sacramental occasions such as Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Reception into the Church and Marriage. Options: 1. Woodland Trust (suggested donation £20 which includes a certificate, map and wood information sheet) can specify planting location and the nearest wood is Marden Park, Woldingham register location, add a personal message (6 lines of text, up to 35 characters) which will generate a certificate website 2. EForests (from £6.99 which includes a certificate and information on the location) register in order to identify where to plant a tree many locations including the South East website 3. World Land Trust (£5 (no certificate) or £25 for 5 (with certificate) WLT specialise in conservation of threatened habitats worldwide website Prices are current as of April 2019 We now have a decorative tree in the Church to mark this, which will have wooden leaves with the Christian name and date of sacrament written on them "see picture at top of page". ​ ​ ​ A Prayer For Our Earth By Pope Francis ​ All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. You embrace with your tenderness all that exists. Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty. Fill us with peace, that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one. O God of the poor, help us to rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this Earth, so precious in your eyes. Bring healing to our lives, that we may protect the world and not prey on it, that we may sow beauty, not pollution and destruction. Touch the hearts of those who look only for gain at the expense of the poor and the Earth. Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light. We thank you for being with us each day. Encourage us, we pray, in our struggle for justice, love and peace.

  • Synod Developments | St. Clements Ewell

    Synodality at St Clements LATEST SYNOD NEWS FROM ROME Having passed through the local, national and continental phases, the Synod process now moves to Rome. The world's bishops are meeting there now and they begin with a retreat led by English Dominican priest, Timothy Radcliffe. ​ Read the latest from the Vatican news website HERE. ​ Watch Fr Timothy Radcliffe's short talk about how synodality makes us dare to listen to others. Watch it HERE . PARISH MEETING MINUTES - October 24th Minutes of meeting PARISH MEETING -October 7th Details & agenda ​ PARISHIONER SYNOD DISCUSSIONS Responses of the face-to-face group Responses of the online (ZOOM) group Results of the poll (both groups) ​ SUMMARY OF PARISHIONER DISCUSSIONS The responses generated during the discussion groups are summarised below. Summary of all responses ​ PARISH OPEN MEETING The open parish meeting in May, considered the issues raised by the parish Synod discussions. You can read the minutes of the meeting HERE . ​ SYNOD DISCUSSION PAPER Following the open parish meeting, an action plan has now been drawn up to help chart the way head for the parish. You can read it HERE . ​ NEXT OPEN PARISH MEETING The next Open Parish Meeting is proposed for: Sunday 7pm, 9th October. NB This is the rescheduled date from September. ​ ​ ​ ​

  • Who does what | St. Clements Ewell

    Parish Team Who does what? It takes lots of people to cover all the activities happening in a parish. To find out who does what in our parish click on the link below. ​ List of parish supporters

  • Gifting at St Clements | St. Clements Ewell

    Gifting at St Clements All of us parishioners are appreciative that we have such a lovely church and are able to attend Holy Mass near our homes here in Ewell. Building our church (and hall) was a major task - one achieved at great effort by those who came before us. See our parish history HERE. But building the church was the first step - maintaining it for worship and parish activities is also vital. We parishioners understand this and have always given generously, in the biblical tradition encouraged explicitly by our Saviour, Jesus. Our government recognises the contribution churches make to society and allows donations by tax-payers to be gift-aided. This increases the value of parishioners' gifts and is a significant benefit to St Clements. If you have not done so already, we encourage you to sign up for the gift-aid scheme. Complete the form HERE & send it to the parish gift aid coordinator, HERE. . In recent times methods of giving are expanding. This page explains the different ways you can now support your church financially. To talk to someone for help about this, see HERE. All sorts of ways to give STANDING ORDER / DIRECT DEBIT This established method is well suited to regular payments. For details, click HERE . ONLINE PAYMENTS Helpful if you want to pay from your home computer or phone. For details, click HERE . CONTACTLESS The easy and quick way as you enter or leave the church. For details, click HERE . GIFT-AID ENVELOPES The traditional method of gifting in church. For details, click HERE . OTHER FORMS The parish is happy to accept one-off donations, legacies and so on. If you'd like to discuss anything of this kind, contact the gift-aid coordinator HERE .

  • Sacraments | St. Clements Ewell

    Sacraments With all sacraments below please contact Fr. Graham for more information. Cantact information can be found here . Live Simply offer a dedicate a tree scheme: to mark sacramental occasions such as Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, Reception into the Church and Marriage. Read more here. Baptism If you have just had a baby or are expecting one you are warmly invited to attend our baptismal preparation programme. The aim of the programme is to serve as a reminder to parents about their own faith and what it means to them. Baptism is a time of special joy and blessing, but it is also the first and most important step a parent will take in the faith life of their child. ​ Parents, and parents to be, should initially contact Fr Graham In preparation there are two evening sessions that take place in the Tivey room. Parents are expected to attend both evenings on the following themes: The Welcome Rite, Celebration of God's Word and the Bidding Prayers The Symbols used in the ceremony and practicalities on the day Normally 8-12 weeks notice is needed. A Rite of Welcome takes place before the baptism day during one of the Sunday masses, giving the parishioners the opportunity to welcome the child into our Christian community. The Baptism of the child is usually celebrated at a special Baptism service on certain Sundays of the year, or by special arrangement, during a Sunday Mass. ​ Baptism F.A.Q.'s Confirmation We normally run a course of preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation every year from about October to the following April/May when Confirmations take place. The course involves roughly 9 two hour sessions on a Sunday afternoon, a retreat day and three special masses. You will need to commit to come to and participate in all of these. The course is open to young people who will be at least 15 by the end of the August in the year of their Confirmation, ie generally school year 10 and above and who are attending mass regularly at St Clement’s. (Things have, of course, been slightly different in the last year or two due to the pandemic.) Confirmation is a once only Sacrament. The aim of the course is to give candidates an experience of their Faith. We hope to have some fun along the way as well. It will be a time for exploring ideas with other young people in the Parish and of deepening relationships with God. It is their “coming of age” in the Church and choosing to say, “Yes! I am a Christian. Yes! I want to take the next step in my faith journey.” Growing towards Jesus Before joining the Reconciliation and Holy Communion programmes, children must have completed this early years preparation programme. At intervals of about a month, a number of simple worksheets need to be completed at home. They are designed to help parents guide their children to a basic and active understanding of their faith and particularly to begin to take part in the Mass. The programme starts soon after Christmas and children must be at least seven years old by 31st December. After completing this programme children may then prepare for Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Adult Initiation into the Church (RCIA) The Christian faith is available to everyone, of any age, and any background. In the twenty- first century, many adults find they have little knowledge of Christ, or for various reasons did not fully develop their Christian faith when younger. We offer the opportunity for adults to explore with us our Christian faith and and what Christianity means in practice. We can also help those who wish to become full members of the Church to learn more about the Christian life of prayer and goodness and prepare to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and the Eucharist. ​ The programme of preparation is called "The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults"(RCIA). It is made up of discussion, private thought and prayer, and culminates - for those who decide to accept Christ in their lives - in joining the Church in its public worship at Mass, and receiving the Eucharist and the other sacraments; participants are supported by the prayers of the parish community. RCIA has several stages, starting with that of enquiry; each stage takes as long as participants need, and there is no obligation and no pressure apart from what is in each one of us regarding God. Meetings take place on weekday evenings in the Presbytery, led by Fr. Graham and lay people of the parish. Reconciliation First Holy Communion Reconciliation Parents meet twice during the Autumn to help them prepare their children for this Sacrament. There are four sessions from the “I Belong” book to be completed by the children with their catechists and an exercise on “Family Time” to be completed at home. Children make their First Reconciliation by the end of November. ​ First Holy Communion Between New Year and the end of May a series of six sessions from the “I Belong” book are held with the children by their catechists. A small number of meetings arranged by Fr Graham for the parents are also held. A Celebration Mass follows each of the children’s sessions. First Holy Communion is received in small groups at the children’s usual Parish Mass in May or June. Older children joining these programmes will be given material and support appropriate to their age. All these programmes need the active involvement of parents, family and the Parish will give every support possible to them. Enquiries: Fr Graham (0208) 393 5572 Marriage Preparation Couples intending to marry at St Clement's should give at least six months notice of their wedding date. They will be invited to take a marriage preparation course. This will be provided by the Parish Priest in conjunction with Deanery personnel Pastoral Initiatives Visiting Sick and Housebound Please notify Fr Graham of any parishioner who is sick or housebound. Normally Fr Graham or an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist will visit them weekly with Holy Communion. ​ Pastoral Group St Anthony's Pastoral Group Is a parish group which cares for those in difficulty or hardship in some way within the parish area. It has taken on the responsibilities of the SVP Conference which preceded it.

  • Library & Book Stall | St. Clements Ewell

    Parish Library and Bookstall The Library is situated in the small room off from the narthex, by the stairs to the balcony. It is open at all times for reading or borrowing and contains a wide variety of books about our faith About once a month there is a bookstall open at all Masses selling missals, Bibles and other books for children and adults. Opening weekend dates are published in the parish newsletter.

  • Christmas Masses | St. Clements Ewell

    CHRISTMAS WEEKEND MASSES FRIDAY, 24TH DECEMBER FRIDAY, 24TH DECEMBER CHRISTMAS EVE 5:30 PM VIGIL Mass of Christmas Singing with group accompaniment NB This is usually a very popular & busy celebration. 9:45 PM NIGHT Mass of Christmas (with carols) Singing with organ accompaniment SATURDAY, 25TH DECEMBER CHRISTMAS DAY 10:30 AM DAY Mass of Christmas SUNDAY, 26TH DECEMBER BOXING DAY 10:30 AM Mass of Holy Family

  • Christmas at Home | St. Clements Ewell

    Jesus would have been very familiar with worship in the home, which would usually have been led by Mary. So we are very close to him in praying this way. Someone will need to lead as she did, by saying the parts in italics. It is a guideline and can be adapted as you wish. Some carols are suggested, but you may prefer other ones. A Christmas at Home Service A way of celebrating Christmas at home, either alone or with others. Sing or say: Wait for The Lord, his day is near. Wait for the Lord, be strong. Take heart. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Let us prepare ourselves to celebrate this happy day by asking God to forgive us the wrong things we have done. (Allow about a minute of silence) Say: Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth on those whom God loves. Now read / listen to the Gospel of Christmas Night mass that tells the story of the birth of Jesus. (Luke 2:1-14) Now it happened that at this time Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be made of the whole inhabited world. This census - the first - took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria, and everyone went to be registered, each to his own town. So Joseph set out from the town of Nazareth in Galilee for Judaea, to David's town called Bethlehem, since he was of David's House and line, in order to be registered together with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. Now it happened that, while they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to a son, her first-born. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the living-space. In the countryside close by there were shepherds out in the fields keeping guard over their sheep during the watches of the night. An angel of the Lord stood over them and the glory of the Lord shone round them. They were terrified, but the angel said, 'Do not be afraid. Look, I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.' And all at once with the angel there was a great throng of the hosts of heaven, praising God with the words: Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace for those he favours. Spend a few moments reflecting on this passage. Sing / listen to: Away in a Manger Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head. The stars in the sky looked down where He lay, The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. ​ The cattle are lowing the Baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. ​ Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay, Close by me forever, and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And take us to heaven to live with Thee there. Say a blessing prayer: Ask God to bless those who we know who need his help, especially just now. Each person can say a name whilst all pause in silent prayer after each name. Offer gifts before the home crib: Each person offers their individual gift to Jesus. Offer a sign of peace to each other. Once more in silence we listen for Jesus coming into our hearts and pray the following: I wish my Lord to receive you with the purity, humility and devotion with which your most Holy Mother Mary received you. Come Lord Jesus! Conclude by with carols: Silent Night O Come All Ye Faithful

  • Scripture for Lent | St. Clements Ewell

    Scripture for Lent? Why scripture? The bible is of course the word of God and what better time to listen to what God is saying to us than the season of Lent? We are fortunate in our parish - and elsewhere - that we have plenty of help with this. In the narthex of the church you will find booklets designed to help you read the Bible during Lent. What a wonderful Lenten resolution is that! PS If we run out of booklets, contact Fr Graham. Lent 2022 My Day by Day Follow the daily Lenten liturgy with this handy guide; fits in your pocket or handbag a treat! Lent 2022 My Day by Day Designed for primary school children, the booklets are designed to encourage children's interest and enjoyment of the liturgical seasons of Advent, Lent and Easter. The narrative of the books is supported by prayers, puzzles and activities appropriate to the season. These 36 page (6" x 4") full colour booklets are suitable for use in the classroom, church or home. Lent 2022 My Day by Day The essence of Bible Alive are the daily reflections. They are written in an accessible and warm style inviting the reader to penetrate and plumb the depths of the scripture reading of the day. The lead features cover a wide array of subjects, topics, profiles and interviews on matters relating to living the Christian faith today. The essays and teaching are drawn from the rich teaching of Vatican II, the Cathechism of the Catholic Church, and the teachings of Pope John Paul II, Pope Emeritus Benedict and Pope Francis; our profile and features explore in depth and detail the life witness of either a beati, a canonized saint or a hero of faith. BIBLE IN A YEAR PODCAST / YOUTUBE CHANNEL One of our parishioners has followed this Catholic course all last year and speaks very highly of it. He writes: "I started listening to The Bible in a Year podcast at the start of 2021. I have found it incredibly useful in enhancing my knowledge of the Word of God and of his plan of salvation for us. The podcasts are generally twenty to twenty five minutes long, and consist of Father Mike Schmitz reading from three different books of the Bible followed by a commentary explaining the text. The text is read in a historical timeline as opposed to the order of the books in the bible, which make the text flow and comprehend more easily. After each 'period' there is a more in-depth commentary by Bible scholar Jeff Cavins. I have enjoyed it so much I have started to listen to the Bible once again." Try a free taster for yourself HERE .

  • Privacy and GDPR | St. Clements Ewell

    PRIVACY AND GDPR ​ We follow the Diocese of Arundel and Brightons Privacy and GDPR policy which can be read here. ​ ​ The Arundel and Brighton diocesan Publications are linked from here . Section D contains the formal Privacy and GDPR policies of the Diocese and Parishes, including us, in the diocese.

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